Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Blogging the Vacation

John and I and the kids headed out early on Friday morning to begin our much awaited vacation. We headed south through Ohio and promptly got lost. We had planned to stop in Point Pleasant,West Virgina. As you can see from the link, it was the site of a battle just prior to the Revolutionary War and then is known for its Mothman sightings, which led to this movie.

Instead we headed south towards Kentucky, which we only discovered after it was no longer possible to simply turn around. We wound up in Portsmouth, Ohio, where the local triple AAA agent bragged about their outstanding murals and claimed that they had the best hot dogs in the nation (nation, mind you) -- the footers. The murals were beautiful but are placed on flood walls, so there is just a rather shady street next to them. The footers were okay, but the place was a dump. They look like this, but with tons of additional stuff loaded on top. We waited in the car while John walked up to the roadside stand to get them.

We got back on track and by late afternoon we were checked into a lovely hotel at the foot of the Appalachian Mountains that sported a heated pool. Click on the Flickr box to see more pictures.

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