Friday, January 06, 2006


Chop chop, part deux

Byron got his curls chopped off. I had been arguing that he should keep it long because I simply adore his curls. In desperation, I even claimed that it was the new trend, as evidenced by all the celebrities' babies: see here , here, and here. My argument did not go over well -- I won't even repeat John's reply.

So instead Byron went to haircutter's. It was one of the fancy kid ones and he loved it. Here he is hanging on to the wheel for dear life:

I'm such a wimp that I didn't even go. To be fair, I had to teach that night, but that's really just an excuse. I cried when he came home. He looks adorable, but the front is a bit shorter than I expected. A surfer cut had been requested, and I think that up here that is probably an unreasonable expectation. He didn't get that. Here he is at home:

He looks like a little man now, and quite a bit like his daddy.

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