Tuesday, December 20, 2005


Place Santa photo here

I would have posted a picture of the kids on Santa's lap, but it was not meant to be. We went to the mall yesterday and were thrilled to find a short line. Yet when Marilyn saw Santa she got extremely shy and absolutely refused to come near him. She hid in the corner with her face covered. This is so strange because last year she had no problem taking a picture with him, and also it's Marilyn--she's not usually timid. We then turned to Byron, and placed him on Santa's lap, figuring that at least one of our kids would get their picture taken. Byron started crying, hard. The lady taking the picture said in an alarmed voice, "Breathe!" That's how big his first scream was. After that he wouldn't get near Santa, even when I tried to sit on Santa's lap.

Needless to say we turned to everyone and said, "See ya next year!" So there is no picture on Santa's lap for these kids. I did post some more pictures on Flickr though. We celebrated their birthdays on Sunday, and decorated Christmas cookies. I also included a picture of the snow here because when John and I arrived it truly looked like a winter wonderland.

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